5 reasons why fluoride in water is good for dental hygiene

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1. Fluoride is natural. It naturally is present in the ocean and our groundwater. Fluoridating our water simply involves adding a recommended level of fluoride to the water supply which will help prevent tooth decay.

2. It prevents tooth decay. The ADA has estimated that 51 million school hours are lost annually due to preventable dental-related illnesses. Fluoridating the water is an efficient way to ensure that tooth-decay and other dental illnesses are prevented.

3. People of all ages are protected from cavities. There is a reason fluoride is called nature’s cavity fighter, and there is a 25% decrease of tooth decay in children in adults who live in communities where the water is fluoridated.

4. It’s very effective and safe. Water fluoridation has been endorsed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Medical Association, and the World Health Organization as being safe and effective. There is over 70 years of scientific data that proves so.

5. Ultimately, it saves money. For every $1 spent on water fluoridation in most cities, it saves the people an average of $38 in dental costs.
