
How to Take Care of Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers are common among adults and seniors, but if you have them, it’s essential to take care of them so they last longer. We all want our smile to look perfect, especially when it’s been enhanced with cosmetic dentistry! Taking good care of your veneers will ensure they last longer and help keep your sure attractive and healthy for years to come. This blog post will discuss the best ways to care for your dental veneers so they last for many years to come.

Brush your teeth twice daily

It’s of the utmost importance to take care of your teeth if you want to maintain a healthy smile, especially if you have porcelain veneers. Make sure to keep the quality of your dental care by brushing promptly, as that can lead to problems down the road. Take time to brush for at least two minutes, so your teeth can get cleaned, including those with ceramic veneers. It’s crucial to focus on your back teeth since it’s common for people to neglect them when rushing their dental hygiene routine and end up developing cavities. A little extra effort put into brushing now will save you from potential cavities later!

Floss your teeth once a day

You must floss your dental veneers to ensure both their health and appearance. Dental plaque accumulates quickly on the surface of shells, making them appear dull if left unchecked. If left untreated, this plaque can cause damage that isn’t easy to repair or may require replacement — floss at least once a day using unwaxed dental floss or interdental brushes. When flossing, be sure you’re also cleaning along the gum line where plaque tends to accumulate, and avoid yanking or snapping the floss as it can damage the edges of your veneer. After flossing, rinse your mouth with water to remove any loose particles stuck between your teeth. Regularly flossing will help prevent bacteria buildup on the veneer’s surface, which can lead to discoloration, staining, and cavities around the edges of your restorations, so they last for many years.

Use a Flouride Mouth Rinse Once Daily

Incorporating a fluoride mouth rinse into your daily dental routine is crucial if you have veneers. Not only does fluoride help to fortify and protect any enamel that remains on your teeth, but using a rinse can also eliminate plaque and food particles that brushing and flossing leave behind. It’s important to use a suitable mouth rinse, one with a high concentration of fluoride specifically designed for veneer care. 

Talk to your dentist about which brand will work best for you. Make sure to swish the rinse around in your mouth for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out, as this will ensure maximum effect. Additionally, avoid eating or drinking acidic for at least 30 minutes after using the rinse, as this could reduce its effectiveness. With proper use, fluoridated mouth rinses can help keep your veneers looking their best and improve the health of your overall smile.

Limit Sweets and Processed Sugar

If you have dental veneers, it’s important to limit or avoid sweets and sugary foods. Eating too much sugar can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay, plaque buildup, and cavities. Additionally, sugary foods can cause dental veneer adhesives to weaken over time, leading to the premature failure of the veneer. Brush your teeth at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. 

If you eat sugary foods, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water afterward. Flossing daily can also help remove plaque and debris between your teeth and gums. Limiting soda, candy, and other high-sugar beverages is also beneficial in helping maintain healthy teeth and gums while protecting your veneers. Eating crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples or carrots can help clean your teeth naturally while providing essential vitamins and minerals for oral health.

Don’t Chew Ice or Use Your Teeth as Tools

If you have dental veneers, chewing on ice can cause the veneers to chip or crack and damage the look of your smile. It’s essential to avoid crunchy foods that could damage your teeth, such as popcorn kernels, hard candies, and other similar items. Additionally, it’s wise to refrain from using your teeth as tools. Even if you attempt something seemingly harmless, like prying off a bottle cap with your teeth, you could end up damaging or chipping your veneers.

You’ll want to brush, floss regularly, and visit the dentist for regular appointments. It’s also essential to watch what habits you perform with your mouth so that they don’t accidentally cause harm to your dental veneers. Chewing ice and using your teeth as tools can increase the likelihood of damaging or chipping them, so it’s best to avoid these practices altogether.

Proper care is vital to keep your dental veneers looking their best for years. Make sure to brush, floss regularly and visit the dentist at least twice a year. We can help you maintain your beautiful smile! Have questions about dental veneers or any of our other services? Contact us today – we would be happy to help.