
Is it safe to visit the dentist during pregnancy?

Don’t allow visiting the dentist to slip from your to-do list before your baby arrives. Getting a checkup during pregnancy is safe and necessary for your dental well-being. Not only can you manage cleanings and treatments like fillings while you’re pregnant, but your dentist can also assist with any pregnancy-related oral issues you may be having.

The American Dental Association, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics advise women to get dental care while pregnant. It is a crucial time in a woman’s life, and maintaining oral health is linked to general health.

Here are some of the pregnant women’s most frequent concerns about visiting the dentist.

When to Tell Your Dentist You Are Pregnant

If you believe you might be pregnant, inform your dentist’s staff. When you schedule an appointment, tell them how far along you are. Also, let your dentist know if you’re taking any medications or if your doctor has given you any specific instructions. If pregnancy is high-risk or if you have particular health concerns, your dentist and physician may advise that particular procedures be delayed.

Local Anesthetics During Pregnancy

One thing you don’t have to worry about if you’re pregnant and need a filling, root canal, or tooth extraction is whether the numbing medications your dentist may use during the treatment are safe. They are, in fact, both safe for you and your baby.

In a recent study, women received lidocaine injections, and a control group did not. These therapies were safe during pregnancy, as they had no impact on the rate of miscarriages, birth abnormalities, prematurely born babies, or infant weight. One study found no evidence to suggest that dental treatment with anesthetics is detrimental to pregnancy health, which aimed to see whether there was a significant risk linked between dental treatment with anesthesia and pregnancy outcomes and didn’t identify one.

Dental X-rays During Pregnancy

Yes, getting an X-ray during pregnancy is safe. Although dental X-rays emit little radiation, your dentist or hygienist will wrap you in a leaded apron to reduce the amount of radiation that reaches your abdomen. Your dental office will also cover your throat with a leaded collar to protect your thyroid from radiation exposure.

Dental Care While Pregnant

Don’t miss your dental checkup just because you’re expecting a baby. Now more than ever, regular visits are essential since pregnancy provokes hormonal changes that place you at risk of periodontal disease and severe gum pain, both of which may be exacerbated by pregnancy gingivitis. Gingivitis will affect 40% of all pregnant women throughout their pregnancy. Pregnancy can make it worse if you already have significant gum disease.

Pay close attention to any fluctuations in your gums during pregnancy. If you experience soreness, bleeding, or gum swelling at any time during your pregnancy, see a dentist or periodontist as soon as possible.

Flossing, twice-daily brushing, and using an antimicrobial mouth rinse are all recommended to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent and cure dental health issues such as tooth decay. If you’re expecting a baby, don’t skip regular dental cleaning because it’s inconvenient. Now more than ever, expert dental cleanings are crucial. Gum disease that doesn’t respond to treatment may need intervention by a dentist. Antibiotics and tissue excision might be used for treatments.