TMJ – a disorder involving pain and limited movement in the jaw – can be caused by a variety of conditions included arthritis, teeth misalignment, teeth grinding, jaw dislocation, stress, and more.
Prior to treatment, a dentist will evaluate your mouth and check for clicking, popping muscle tenderness, or constricted jaw movement. Upon diagnosis, your dentist may choose to refer you to a different dentist or a physician.
TMJ can be treated and managed in a variety of ways. It is recommended, to begin with, the simplest treatment and move on to more advanced treatment options as necessary.
You should also try to focus on consuming softer foods, treating the pain with heating packs, practicing relaxation techniques to reduce tension in your jaw, avoiding nail biting, and skipping chewing gum.
Additionally, it may be necessary for your dentist to outline exercises to help strengthen the muscles in your jaw, prescribe medication such as muscle relaxers, or design a night guard that minimizes the clenching of teeth.
Certain cases may require your dentist, or an orthodontist, to address an uneven bite by properly aligning your teeth.