Is Vaping Bad for Your Oral Health?

Is Vaping Bad for Your Oral Health?

Electronic cigarettes and vaping have become very popular in the past few years. The rise in their popularity is partly…

How to Keep Tooth Enamel Strong

Your tooth enamel protects teeth from decay. It makes sense to keep it strong so it can continue to provide…

Prevent Gum Disease, Prevent Cancer

There’s a lot to be said about practicing good oral hygiene. Not only does good hygiene keep your smile bright…

Supplements to Keep Your Teeth for a Lifetime

Like many of the patients at Creekside Dental, you probably take several supplements. That’s why Dr. Sara Chung, Dr. William…

Fluoride Toothpastes vs. Fluoride-free - Which is Better?

At Creekside Dental, Dr. Sara Chung, Dr. William McCune, and Dr. John Micaletti are here to answer your questions regarding…

Americans Need to Floss More

If you often forget to floss, you’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that almost 33%…

Surprising Causes of Bad Breath

Have you experienced the embarrassment associated with halitosis or bad breath? You may be surprised to learn that halitosis is…