5 Modern Dental Care Techniques to Preserve your Smile in Buffalo Grove

5 Modern Dental Care Techniques to Preserve your Smile in Buffalo Grove

 Some of the basic principles of dental care were developed many years ago. The reason dentists continue to practice them…
Five Ways Your Buffalo Grove Dentist Can help Create That Perfect Smile

Five Ways Your Buffalo Grove Dentist Can help Create That Perfect Smile

Making first impressions are important in any setting, from a first date to a job interview and everything in between.…
Five Ways Invisalign Treatment Can Help You

Five Ways Invisalign Treatment Can Help You

When your teeth are not lined up properly, it can lead to a number of dental problems. Invisalign treatment is…
7 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry can Improve Your Smile

7 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry can Improve Your Smile

The importance of making a good first impression cannot be stressed enough. It’s one thing you never get a second…
 5 Common Problems Restorative Dentistry Can Address

 5 Common Problems Restorative Dentistry Can Address

What do you think about when you hear the term, “restorative dentist”? Even though the name may be a little…
Is Dental Care Safe During the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Is Dental Care Safe During the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Your dental healthcare providers at Creekside Dental continue to follow the American Dental Association (ADA) recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic.…
Is Vaping Bad for Your Oral Health?

Is Vaping Bad for Your Oral Health?

Electronic cigarettes and vaping have become very popular in the past few years. The rise in their popularity is partly…